If these can be considered accomplishments…well, this is what I accomplished during winter break:
Too Late to Say I Love You 来不及说我爱你 – 24 episodes out of 36
Meteor.Butterfly.Sword 流星蝴蝶剑 – translating Chapter 8 (completed) and 9 (in progress)
Iljimae – 1 episode out of 20
Eden of the East – 11-episode anime + 2 movies
非诚勿扰 – Chinese dating TV show
Marriage Battle 婚姻保卫战 – 2 episodes out of 33
Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei 怪侠一枝梅 – 5 episodes out of 30
The Husband Quest by Lori Handeland – hilarious but mediocre novel
Angel Sanctuary – Volume 1
The Course of Honor by Lindsey Davis – read 1/5 of novel
TVXQ comeback – Keep Your Head Down
Legendary Siblings 绝代双骄 – reading the novel
Kindest Cruelty – writing Chapter 8 (completed) and 9 (in progress)
Learned Korean alphabet
BEAST/B2ST obsession
A shout-out to my beloved DBSK…Keep Your Head Down performances are fantastic and will for sure dominate kpop in early 2011. I’m so proud of Yunho and Changmin. However, so-called fans who are trying to split the fandom deserve a few slaps in the face. Correct, HoMin get to showcase their talents more, and they have both improved immensely, but this does not mean 2-member TVXQ is better than 5-member TVXQ. And it never will be. And don’t ever blame JaeChunSu since you obviously don’t know what they went through.