An Interesting Weekend

My life was quite eventful this past three-day weekend. Friday was spent on DBSK and Nightwish drool, and four episodes of Autumn’s Concerto (the preview got me frustrated waiting for the next episode to come out Sunday). And I prepped a bit for my interview.

Bright and early Saturday morning was my Harvard interview at a cafe. It was short but fantastic, with a very friendly Ph.D. candidate in child clinical psychology. But I ruined it at the very end by spilling my beautiful very berry smoothie all under the downstairs couch. :P And the stupid cashier tried to steal sixteen bucks, as if I wouldn’t notice only receiving a nickel for change after giving him a twenty for a smoothie!

That night I actually realized that the Sorry Sorry Answer song had been released over a month ago, even though I thought it wasn’t out yet because several weeks ago I had favorited a “making of the MV” vid. Mmmmm Kyuhyun like a prince on his throne! Black and white filming style! Siwon getting dressed and Donghae rapping! So much luxury…watches, candles, vintage records, champagne, library, black car…*drool*

Sunday wasn’t too fun with calc homework, long rehearsal, and physics…but then I found a high quality version of the latest Autumn’s Concerto episode uploaded so soon, and got an epic wuxia-modern crossover story update from my awesome twin. In my part of the story, I was saved from poison during my encounter with Ouyang Ke – while Prince Junsu and Advisor Jaejoong had search parties out for me, the kidnapped palace maid – by none other than Kyuhyun, who was singing and playing the flute as I rested! And I got accepted to adopt the fanlisting for Jung Yunho (U-Know), the leader of my favorite group DBSK! Whoooooooo!! :D

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