Angel's Wings
March 2007
Okay, so I was once again in the presence of a wonderful Prince Charming. He had dark blonde hair, and was a combination of both Edward and Cloud. <3 <3 We were in somewhere similar to Aeris's church - there was a gorgeous stone arch, sunlight everywhere, flowers like in a meadow, and clear running water... an indoor paradise.
I had a large number of dreams - about five mini ones - which are all quite related, and must have happened similar to real-life time because I dreamed them between 7:30 and 9:00 in the morning. I was in Venezuela the entire time... gee, Julie Mary must have influenced me a lot. Anyways, my family from China was in Venezuela in the same apartment, and there was this really short woman (sort of like the lunch lady at school) who was familiar with my mom and currently had a footache. *cough* And then the old woman was almost like a child - she wanted to play games with me. So we sat down at a table but my second cousin said that it was time to eat. The food was okay but not that great - a bit too salty. I went to my bathroom, and all of a sudden, all of my shampoo bottles started leaking out of holes. I shouted to my dad at the top of my voice and he came and tipped the bottles upside down. Voila, they stopped dripping shampooey water everywhere! Then later on I realized there was a patch of dark pink glitter on my wall, and I kept getting the shiny stuff everywhere on my hands and feet. In that same Venezuela, American Idol competitors were visiting a famous band of four. The lead singer was a Hispanic/Indian guy (who looked a lot like that historian in that video in world history). With him were three young women - two of them 22, one, who was the long-timer, a 25-year-old blondie. And in that very same Venezuela, I met Keira Knightley, who told me that she was doing movie shoots with Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp for the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie. They were on a beachy coast - sort of like the shimmering Caribbean islands. And then... I became a spy. I was hiding behind a bunch of poles or whatever in a very white landscape, and there was a young man with a gun who was hacking the mailbox of my family. After he left, a really old guy came and hacked a super tall mailbox. Even without my glasses and still from far away, I squinted and saw that the mailbox number thingy was W132S (or something like that). I jotted it down into a notepad, along with the description of the thief - a really tall, beer-belly old guy. After the old guy left, I was caught from behind by the young man who I had been spying on just before. His gun was pointed at my back, so I yielded and he took my red notebook. He flipped to several pages, one of them with an index card stuck inside it. It was one of my spy reports of Al Qaida being in Singapore. As he flipped to the beginning pages of my notebook, I saw a mini-scrapbook with photos of that band with the Hispanic/Indian guy. He kindly did not kill me, but left with my notebook (uh oh - I had very personal stuff about myself in it as well as private spy stuff). He also threw a piece of paper behind the poles, and after he was out of sight I picked it up. It was my third marking period report card, and I had a very bad grade in math from Lauver (but then there was a server error printed next to it). Then I ended up at this airport with another guy - I don't remember seeing his face at all, but he was friendly. Someone stole my passport and my bags - I had all my notebooks, money, and glasses in them. All I had left was my maroon assignment book, which looked like a passport, and I lined up to a service desk, me on the left, him on the right. I was given three pens of different colors to sign a bunch of papers, and the guy I was with just got a stamp and he was fine to catch a plane. However, he came with me outside of the airport, where we met a woman in a pink dress. She led us to some officials, who could care less about my lost possessions and said that as a courtesy act, they could give me one free ride to a nearby airport. Hopelessly I looked at a very confusing map of Venezuela (and I'm ashamed to say that all I know about Venezuela right now is that it's in South America, but on my dream map it looked like a combo of Argentina/Brazil). And voila, the nearest airport to the south was that same vacation resort place where my family from China were, where the band was, and where Keira Knightley and the rest of the Pirates cast were. I was so overcome with joy that I jumped into the air and huggled the guy, and off we went. :)
Okay, so it was dark at night and my dad went inside this brick building on the first floor, and outside I could see through the window that he was going to be operated on by some pretty evil surgeons. I screamed at him to get out and he ran into the adjacent dark alley, and then little kids started throwing red kickballs at him.
Cody and I were lost in the corners of the North building, and we were 8-10 minutes late after the bell by the time we crossed the street, walked along mountainous ridges, and finally arrived inside LE. Luckily, everyone was doing a library project and there was a yellow sheet were you could indicate if you were detained from your next class and didn't have a pass with you. We hurridly and gratefully signed the yellow sheet.
Okay, so our entire high school body was sitting on rows of peachy wooden benches, all wrapped in around a circular stadium. Below us were tennis superstars - Andy Roddick and Roger Federer were the only ones in the crowd that stood out. So anyways, awards were being handed by the pro tennis players to students at our school. I was wearing those dark blue jeans that I disliked and an ugly red sweater. So Jason received an honor and got to study science with Andy Roddick. Yup, that's right - WTF??!! Roger was also down below but he was preoccupied... but didn't see me. Okay, so that was my second dream about Roger Federer/tennis.
School changed weirdly all of a sudden. In the morning, everyone was flustered about the major changes, so my friends and I rushed to our lockers to put our stuff away. I was too slowing putting away my binders because they kept falling out of my locker, so I couldn't catch up with my friends because they were already hurrying away. I looked at my new schedule and had no idea where room 162 was, so I went to the office and asked some administration people, pretending to have come to school late and been confused, even though I could have already found my classroom if only I was a bit faster at my locker and left with my friends. I finally found room 162, I suppose, but I didn't remember dreaming of it. The next thing I knew was that I was in orchestra, but I hadn't practiced (guilty conscience - I haven't practiced all week during spring break) so it was hard to catch up to everyone else. Finally, Mr. Robinson was so fed up with me that he assigned Chloe to be my "tutor". She was actually pretty nice while we sight-read some music and I messed up horribly while she played it perfectly.
So I was at Nicole's small house, and she and her sister had their own bedrooms - Haley on the left and Nicole on the right. They were jealous that their dad had an entire 12 foot-long hallway to himself. However, their adopted son (huh?) had only a bed, not even a room, and the bed was waaaay too short for him... his feet stuck out of the bed when he was lying down. Meanwhile, Nicole's mom probably slept in the basement, though I didn't dream that part. We went down to the basement, and I think I ate some delicious macaroni and cheese that turned out to be the curly golden hair of a baby girl - Thea. WTF??!!
Okay, so a bunch of midgety Chinese guys from school were after me. I don't really remember much, but they were annoying the crap out of me and school turned kinda weird - I remember that we had to team up into groups of three, and I was with a snobby girl who later became nice to me, plus another guy.
I was running along a really ramped sidewalk, near a busy highway-like street. The left side was going down and the right side was going up. I forgot and left my violin, backpack, and blue jacket at the top, and was almost halfway down the ramp when I realized. So I ran all the way up again, and then back down and at the bottom of the sidewalk ramp was a restaurant. I had lunch there with the Leo and Yen twins, as well as Tess and Michelle/Ingrid.
So I was at school, and it was lunchtime in the cafeteria and I was in line getting my tray. Except it looked more like a high-class fast food zone, and the cafeteria was gold, silver, and purple. It looked like a beautiful restaurant/palace, with a gigantic, lovely dining area, with gorgeous tables, chairs, chandeliers, etc.
Two dreams:
1. I was temporarily living in this really old house, with stairs that had a faded, peeled maroon color paint. I was with my older aunt, and we were enduring a "country lifestyle". However, I remembered watching Star Wars on this really small and old TV on a ricketty nightstand.
2. I luuuuurrrrrvvvved Sanjaya! Seriously. We were zipped back to the times of the Roman Empire, during horrible events. On the side, there were dark-skinned slaves being whipped, while fierece animals (rhinos and then bears) were entering the Colosseum on the other side. I hid under a table when Roman soldiers entered the area, only to find Sanjaya there. I had saved his life on some previous occasion. Later, there was some kind of weird contest for life... at the bottom of a huge palace/tower, there were three huge arches. Everyone had to take raffles to participate, and I won. So I got to play this "game" - I had to shoot an arrow through the arches, and then do something like pour tons of water to help lift out a man clutching onto a turtle shell inside a humongous bucket? WTF?!
Weird dream. Okay, so I was in a car in the back right corner, next to a baby (5-year-old) girl with a "replacement" of dad - sort of handsome guy. Then I went alone inside a stuffed monkey store, and a guy stuck needles onto the palm side of my ring finger of my right hand to inject some kind of illegal drug. And then, I was sent to outer space in my delusion?? I remember it was very hot on Venus, and so I settled down on Mercury, but was still very hot. Everything was an aerial view with the planets being smaller than they should have been. Later I went downtown, and ran into Tenley, who was extremely tanned and gossiping with her friend. Then, me and the people in the car with me went to attend a one-hour speech that Leslie gave in a building in a park, where we had a tough time finding parking spaces. Then at night, we went to a kitchen accessory store and with a $3 coupon we bought two red bowls, and ended up with two extra containers to hold them. Before, we had been looking at money-making magazines on a white vertical stack shelf, as well as nifty red flippy calendars on the side.
I was at home, since it was a one-day vacation from school. We either got a new Windows XP or Vista flatscreen computer, and I was working on my fanlistings and such with my e-mail, Enth admin panel, and FTP program open. My mom suddenly came home early, even though the room was dark, and she was very sleepy so she didn't even notice me (whew!).
Again, I was at this very computer near the balcony, and visited the website of someone who had joined a fanlisting of mine. It was a subsubdomain thingy, with a greenish-blueish premade layout but not giving proper credit to the designer. There were some cool scripts and download pages linked, though, and I was just about to check it out when my parents came home. I immediately turned off the monitor screen and sat down on the floor, pretending to do homework. However, I forgot to kick the button of the actual computer - under the table - off, so I decided to turn on the monitor. However, it did not load like is should, and instead came to an Internet "Warning: page has expired" page. At the bottom of the screen were three minimized files: my Gmail, FTP, and local disk folder. My parents saw it all. UH OH.
Angel's Wings © 2006-2007 Xaari/Sherry.