"That night, on going to bed, I forgot to prepare in imagination the Barmecide supper, of hot roast potatoes, or white bread and new milk, with which I was wont to amuse my inward cravings. I feasted instead on the spectacle of ideal drawings, which I saw in the dark - all the work of my own hands."


Welcome to Jane Eyre: The Best Classic, a part of the best classic literature advertisement campaign for Mrs. Wyngaard's English final exam project. The purpose of this particular type of media - on the web - is to spread our ideas beyond the classroom to the much wider online world.

Compared to the competing classics, Jane Eyre best addresses themes that are of great interest to an audience at large, and so readers will enjoy and learn more from this classic than from any other.


For non-profit promotional purposes, this site is listed at the following directories:

      Glitter      List Me      Lemon Drop     


The navigation's an image map located on your left.

Main - the index page that you're on now, with our mission stated.
About - a little introduction to ad campaigns and classics.
Classics - all the classics that are competing in the ad campaign.
Jane Eyre - a brief synopsis about the book, the author, and the story's heroine.
Themes - the main messages that we think the novel conveys to the reader.
Banners - a wide variety of buttons and banners for your blog/website to link back with. :)

Copyrights & Disclaimer

Jane Eyre: The Best Classic created, designed, & hosted by .
Theme collaboration with Cody, Lydia, Zeynep, Cassidy, Emily, & Grace.
Jane Eyre © Charlotte Bronte.
This is a non-profit site.