Welcome to Xaari.TK, the personal website of me, Xaari (Sherry). :-) This site contains a detailed summary of everything about me, links to useful sites, downloadables, and random stuff!!
Monday October 23, 2006
I'm desperately trying to add more layouts and fix the one that's already on the site, but it's not working. :(
Sunday October 15, 2006
Oh my, I can't believe it's been two whole months since I've updated! But I've got school and all, so I'm pretty overwhelmed... oh well.
Saturday August 19, 2006
I added a new favorite read to the fanfiction section. Man, I used up a whole big box of tissues on that one. It's called "Rhythm of the Rain" and it's a Zutara fanfic from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Tuesday August 15, 2006
Okay first off I am very, very, busy as of now. School's coming up, and I've got fanlistings to complete. I got hosted by Snowdust but I'm trying to figure out the webmail and the Enthusiast scripts and all. I'm really mad that YouTube's currently down, and am all in all in a busy/bad mood.
Thursday August 10, 2006
Done!! I feel so happy... plus I got Adobe Photoshop CS2, and I started out on my first Iframes/frames layout right away! It's up for download now.
Thursday August 3, 2006
I'm about halfway done with the site... hang on tight! I'm still desperately working on that horrible guestbook... the HTML code isn't coming out right. And after about a million attempts, I gave up on the contact form. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Monday July 24, 2006
After four years of pigging off, I have finally made a personal site instead of another shrine! A zillion pats on the back for me! Now I will be working on all those big pages... it might be a bit of a drag but please be patient!